
Little Bird Takes a Nap (A Bedtime Story for Collin)

Little Bird was a beautiful bird with long, purple feathers.  He had an orange beak, orange feet, and little red stripes going up and down his legs.

One day Little Bird was flying over a field of flowers.  The flowers were beautiful and were all sorts of different colors:  red, orange, blue, pink, purple, white, and green.  Little Bird swooped up and down, over and around the flowers until he was all tired out.  He really needed a nap.

He spotted a tall tree with a nice, fat branch and he headed towards it, thinking that it would be a good place to settle in for a bit.  But - just as he swooped in towards the branch, he saw that the tree was in front of a little brown house with an open upstairs window.  Cheery yellow curtains were rustling in the breeze. 

Little Bird was a curious little bird and he couldn't resist the temptation to see what was inside that house.  He flew right past the tree branch and through the open window.

Inside, the yellow curtains rested against pleasant blue walls.  He hopped forward a bit more, and he saw a brown dresser, lots of books, and a little orange bed.  The bed had a happy blue bedspread with little monkeys dancing on it.  At the top of the bed, there was a brown and white giraffe pillow next to a black and white panda bear.

Little Bird was still very tired, and the bed looked so inviting.  He looked around the room and could see that no one was home, so he decided it was safe to take a nap.  He hopped over to the bed, used his beak to lift up the covers, and scooted under them for a cozy afternoon snooze. 

He slept for a long, long time. 

Do you know where Little Bird is now?

He just woke up! (Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle)