Guest post courtesy of Theo Lu, master storyteller and husband extraordinaire.
Once there were three little monkeys: John, Don, and Ron. They were great friends, but they liked to out do each other. John was the leader, and he always went first. Don always went second, and Ron always went last. If John ate one banana, then Don would eat two bananas, and Ron would eat three bananas. And so it went between John, Don and Ron.
One day as they were frolicking through the jungle, they came upon a sleeping tiger. John said, "Watch this!" Very quietly, he crept up behind the tiger and brushed his hand against the tiger's tail. Then he slipped away without waking the tiger.
Don said, "That's nothing! Watch this!" Very quietly, he crept up behind the tiger and he gently grabbed the tail. Quickly and quietly, he crept away without waking the tiger up.
Ron said, "You think that was something? Watch this!" Quickly and quietly, he crept up behind the tiger, grabbed the tiger's tail, and shook it around. The tiger woke up.
And so, now there were two little monkeys: John and Don. They were great friends, but they were always trying to out do each other. John liked to go first. If he ate a mango, Don would say, "That's nothing!" and eat two mangoes. And so it went between John and Don.
One day, as John and Don were swinging through the jungle, they came upon a river in a canyon. John said to Don, "Watch this!" He swung over to a narrow part of the canyon, grabbed a vine, and swung once and then twice. The third time, he let go and flew over the canyon, landing safely on the other side.
Don said, "That's nothing! Watch this!" He went to the widest part of the canyon. He grabbed a vine and swung once and then twice. The third time, he let go and flew over the canyon, landing safely on the other side . . . almost.
And so, now there was one little monkey. His name was John. And he was a very careful little monkey.
The End.
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