
I Happy

My toddler's new favorite thing to say is:  "I happy."

When he wakes up, when he is going to sleep, when he has a bad dream and we rock for a few minutes, when he is eating grapes, when he is at a party with my co-workers, when he is in a bubble bath, when we sing his favorite song, when he is hugging the dog, when our whole family is together at the same time . . . these are all times he utters those precious words:  "I happy."

They always take me off guard.  Before he started saying the expression (and who knows where he picked it up), I can't remember the last time I heard anyone say, "I'm happy."

But I find it totally impossible, after he says those two sweet words, not to look back at him and say - regardless of the day, "I'm so glad you're happy.  I'm happy too."

"Happy too,"  he says back to me - in a way that is matter-of-fact but also disarmingly intimate, as if in confirmation of some pact that we formed, some password into the happiness club.  Then he goes about whatever he was doing or - better yet - smiles up at me and starts again:

"I happy."

"I'm happy too."

"Happy too," he will sigh.

And the more times we say it, the happier I am.


  1. What a sweet post. Made me tear up. You're such a talented writer and with such refreshing honesty. Parenthood is exhausting and wonderful and humbling and perfectly imperfect! Congrats om baby 2 on the way. Lucky little ones to have you as their momma. Good to see you're doing so well, sweet girl!

    1. So good to hear from you! And to see that you have a blog too - I'd love to keep up with you and your family. Parenthood is exhausting, isn't it? I see that you are in the no-sleep stage. I'm not looking forward to going back there - it took us a solid 9.5 months to get out of it. We just had an eater! Hang in there - it will get better.
